Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Two step forward, then your feet detatch from your legs and move above your head...

 Did I tell you that I'm struggling with rigging? I'm still struggling. I realize how important it is to be in the right mode for rigging. Some of my woes are down to accidentally creating new armatures or doing edits in the wrong mode.

Simpler requirements, but it's still beyond me.

A further set of complications has come to light: bone rotation! It is not aligned to world space, and some transformations are done incorrectly. I come out of pose mode and find my parented objects suddenly arranged randomly. The previously parented key element has its origin at some random location now. Bones need to have appropriate rotation. If they are twisted incorrectly within the rig, then your rig's movements will be wonky at best.

Stability release! Blender 4.2.2 has been released.

Nothing new. It's just fixes for edge-case crashes and some minor functional bugs.



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Product complete and submitted

 I spent much of yesterday and all of today putting together my first Blender product. It's done! Now, I have to wait for the review to ...