Sunday, 15 September 2024

A new mini-project: Orbital Elements Modular Container

 It's time to build another space vehicle, this time one of my own designs. I'm also looking to make it available for sale, which is forcing me to be more careful in the build process. Every time I try to ignore some lousy meshwork, I see some future customers looking at duplicated verts or shader artefacts and then raising complaints.

This extra level of care might be eroded over time. We will see.

The idea:

The concept

Containers that pivot on their support ring

This heavy rig travels at 1g to its destination. During the journey, it accelerates forward, creating simulated gravity. The container units pivot on their support ring so that their decks are oriented appropriately. Once at the destination, the engines turn off, and the vehicle sits in an orbit. The containers then pivot ninety degrees so that gravity can be simulated by spinning the rig on its forward-rear axis. This model was built in July 2023. I liked the concept but not the execution of some elements. Particularly those Space 1999 Eagle-like Drone module trucks. So it's time for some new and improved!

Blocking out

Do the fiddly stuff First. In this case, the container hinge system.

Happy enough with this as a starting point.

Checking out what it looks like with more containers. I might fit another six on the ring...

Time for a break. I want to do a good job of the container module. That will be a project in itself.

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Product complete and submitted

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