Saturday, 7 September 2024

No rest for the wicked: Animation prep

 The thoughts of animating the Bayern both excited and scared me. This morning, I tried to line up the spin habitats for setting a cyclic animation, essentially wheels that spin for the entire duration of an animation. Well, it turns out that having an object made up of a hundred different bits isn't going to work too well. Everything needs to be parented, and once you have that many parent associations the viewport gets laggy.

The brute force solution was to massively consolidate the ship. Make those piles of 100 meshes into single meshes. Then you are only animating a big complex mesh, not a hundred separate ones, which sometimes float off in the wrong direction.

Hours it took!

Rebuilt for animation.

I broke things numerous times, but it worked out in the end.


Back to True-Terrain 5

Good old-fashioned 3d terrains. This work is very prone to crashing compared with ship modelling. This is an alpha, and most crashes are caused by the lack of guard rails against spinning up parameters so that you instantly exhaust available memory, etc.

Using the Simulation approach rather than frames makes the new water less broken.

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Product complete and submitted

 I spent much of yesterday and all of today putting together my first Blender product. It's done! Now, I have to wait for the review to ...