Saturday, 31 August 2024

Weekend Miniproject: 2300AD Bayern

 I just bought a bunch of e-books (most of which I already have in printed form) from Bundle of Holdings. It's the second edition of the 2300AD Science Fiction Roleplaying Game from Mongoose. The item that most attracted me to the collection was the Bayern campaign boxset. The GDW edition Bayern was a very curious thing. A science campaign with the focus on space exploration and a finale right out of 2001/Contact. First contact with a proper god-like alien intelligence. Awesome stuff. Except that the first version was thin on details. The lack of deck plans was unforgivable. For a campaign centred around a giant starship, you just don't miss that out.

Anyway, looking through the new books got me excited again. I thought maybe I should do an update build!

Gavin Dady produced the ship's original model and deck plans himself. They're fine, but Gavin isn't an artist, and 3D modelling isn't a core skill set of his. So here goes...

GDW illustration by Steve Venters (1988)

Gavin Davy's model, following the GDW design pretty closely in the component list

The Mongoose Art Department spruced up in the current 2300AD style

I've already made a couple of starts on this. A few years ago, before the latest version of the book and its Bayern design was finalised,

A few years earlier...

Working off the GDW proportions.

The latest version begins with blocking out:

A starting point - blocks!

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Product complete and submitted

 I spent much of yesterday and all of today putting together my first Blender product. It's done! Now, I have to wait for the review to ...