Tuesday 21 May 2024

HardOps & BoxCutter - Day 2

Feedback from Day 1

Firstly, I had several crashes on my desktop while playing with Boxcutter. That's unsettling! System stability has been good-ish. I had a couple of crashes last week with True-Terrain 5, but I think that was down to a particular blend function. Otherwise, that tool is rock-solid. To be crashing while performing very basic operations is making me regret the investment in the course.

We'll see how it goes. I don't find Boxcutter to be intuitive. That's maybe because it's hotkey-driven, while Fluent Power Tools has some clever UI elements that let you work off a grid face. We'll see!

 On with Day 2

More fun with the cutter.


HardOps Documentation: https://hardops-manual.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Oh wait... a new version of True-Terrain 5

I have to test this!

Nice changes! I'm not totally sure what has changed, but things just seem to be working better. Added terrain layers seem to be blended automatically. I'll need release notes.

Nice environmental tutorial

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