Saturday, 4 January 2025

Lander progress and ever more terrains (pre-scatter)

Dark confession: I made it through the Steam Holiday sale, only to falter in its last ten minutes -- weird feeling hovering around a buy button with a sale countdown ticking. I picked up Space Marine 2, and it is a thing of wonder. Super attention to detail, shiny and polished both in terms of its alien worlds and environments and gameplay mechanics. I'm told that it's short in terms of single-player content, but it took about fifteen minutes for the game to enter my all-time classics list. So, productivity will be somewhat reduced, with a chance of Tyrannid bloodbaths.

Praise the emperor! Praise the developer and studio more!

Lander progress

I've followed that well-trodden route up the mountain: Heady optimism in the foothills -- I will share this modelling wonder with the world!! Then, the compromises and the downright shoddy build elements start to accumulate. Ugh, this is shameful! Nobody must ever see the Uckd up topology and mesh errors!

Well, there's a parallel journey, one in terms of actual design quality. If the model's design is okay, I just ignore the bad workmanship and carry on. If the model isn't very good, this is when I walk away.

I'm not walking away from the lander. I like the overall design. When something I didn't like crept in, I backtracked and fixed the issue. That's helped a lot.

It is exactly a year since I took the Blender Bros hard surface modelling courses, which kicked my modelling into mountain climbing after a decade of hill walking. Still, how much of that learning has been forgotten?

I will resolve to complete my HardOps training. I gave up on it when I got frequent crashes doing simple stuff. I must give it another go.

I must also complete the training courses I got a few weeks ago. I might pause the sculpting course because it's just not critical to what I need to know right now. Maybe I'll move on to the polygon modelling.

After countless hours, I only now see what it looks like with engines folded for flight...

Time to get the landing legs completed. I like the idea of two fold-out feet on the engine. 

Terrains -- of course

Naked terrain, two material layers

After a few scatters, I had a plan in mind. I'll carry on with this later.

Space challenge

I just recalled accepting a space scene challenge -- a private one, from Berglmir. I'm going to focus on that for now, which slowly working my way to completion on the lander.

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Product complete and submitted

 I spent much of yesterday and all of today putting together my first Blender product. It's done! Now, I have to wait for the review to ...