Monday, 15 July 2024

A week in the doldrums

 I didn't muster much enthusiasm for Blender work last week. I focused on the 2D design work for deck plans, but even that wasn't pushed forward enough.

I'll do better this week. There is still a chance to finish a submission for the True-VFX community challenge. Let's see if that's where I put my focus.

Tomorrow we should see Blender 4.2 enter general availability. It should have been out last week, but I guess they found issues. Instead, the foundation called for last-minute testing of the beta. I may invest the time in doing a clean installation, fully cleaning out all the data stored in my app folder and beginning from scratch. I don't know. The very large number of add-ons that I use makes that hours of work. I also believe that architecture changes in 4.2 might make this "spring cleaning" unnecessary. I'll look into it.

Some stuff from last week:

Big landscapes! 4KM

I have enjoyed working with World Creator.

Stepped terrain

True-sky binary system

Another play with the cave -- I prefer the piles of rocks in the previous attempt.

A tower for a city scene.

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Product complete and submitted

 I spent much of yesterday and all of today putting together my first Blender product. It's done! Now, I have to wait for the review to ...