Sunday, 16 June 2024

Tigress: 70% Complete

 I got a bit burnt out drawing some greeble displacement maps. Yesterday was one of those rare days when I had to force myself to stop and take breaks. It's great not to suffer a rapid loss of enthusiasm because I begin to recognise growing flaws in a build.

Not that there aren't flaws here.

U.V. victory

I broke the outer hull into separate meshes and fixed the meshes that contained horrifying boolean artefacts. I could then apply a UV map to each part, which is much easier than trying to apply a single map to a complex form. 

I finally figured out what I was doing wrong with Zen UV. It doesn't do its magic in a single generative step. Instead,  I created a base UV, then used Zen UV to select and "extract" specified areas, resulting in good and usable maps. Finally!

Greeble displacement map for the forward section

Material Testing

Lighting and render test -- Type A Free Trader shown to scale

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