Wednesday, 22 November 2023

More TT5 testing and cool new stuff

 I've delved deeper into the mud and rock of True Terrain 5. I've had some crashes, mostly random, but the overall experience has been very positive. Good performance, mostly.

The terrain editing is really flexible, although World Creator 2023 makes it easier to generate complex natural-looking erosion and landforms. That said, most of these examples incorporate some TT5 noise-based elements.

Physical Open Waters!

A brilliant new add-on from Physical Addons, the people who brought us Atmosphere and Planets.

This looks up to the same very high standard. Physically based for great realism.


A second brilliant add-on. This one from antoine-bagattini, the creator of Bagapie. It's a big library of street furniture. Perfect for any arch vis work, integrated into Bagapie's tool kit for great scatter and placement tools.

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