Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Blender 3.5 released!

 I jumped straight into Blender 3.5 when I finished work and started to rebuild my configuration and reinstall all my add-ons. It took nearly three hours, partly down to having to watch a long of installation tutorials because I wasn't sure about all the required steps.

Everything seems to be working but I made the same mistake I nearly aways make on the first encounter with a new Blender version -- I forgot to set my rendering to GPU.

It was a silly error but it's easy to make when you never change or think about the setting. So what difference does it make?

Here's a quick seen I scattered together in a few minutes. I decided to use True Sky which can generate really nice skies but can be a bit expensive in terms of render requirements.

13 minutes and 37 seconds. For me, that's quite a long time.

When I realised that I was rendering using my CPU I immediately re-rendered again using my GPU, the Nvidia 4090, which you might expect is a bit faster.

Exactly the same scene rendered with my GPU: 23 seconds.

Oh yes. Quite a lot faster. That's 35-times faster, which is even faster than I thought it would be.

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Product complete and submitted

 I spent much of yesterday and all of today putting together my first Blender product. It's done! Now, I have to wait for the review to ...