Thursday, 12 September 2024

Blender School: Fluent Power Tools

 I lapsed on my HardOps training course. It got unstable and when Blender crashes a lot I have to go and do something else or I completely lose my enthusiasm for the tool.

There is another option. A mini-HardOps from developers cgthroughts called Fluent/Fluent Power Tools, if you get a library of extra functions. It's brilliant, but like with HardOps, you need a minimal command of hard surface modelling best practices, or you get "acute bevels", where meshes get artefacts and become corrupted.

It's a tool that you can start using right away, and produce some really powerful effects in a few clicks, but you need to delve a little deeper to get the full power of the tool. I could never work out how to duplicate boolean cutters, but it turns out that they were not implemented effectively, until recently. CG Seb, explains here:

So, this post is a quick refresher and update on my fluent knowledge.

Duplicating Booleans

First, create a Fluent object. Then, create a boolean cut. Select the cutter.

From the Fluent menu, Select the Boolean button (White box with a blue cross).
A duplicate boolean appears. Move it. Place it anywhere with a left click. When finished, right-click away from the target.
Duplicated Boolean Cutter! Amaze! Amaze!


1. Duplicate associated artefacts such as cloth meshes or slices by Parenting them to the Boolean cutter before duplicating them.

2. Duplicated booleans can be sent updates from the originating cutter by using the Boolean Synchronisation tool:

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