Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Hip Hip Blender 4.2!

 It's released! 

I screwed up! Saving Blender's settings without importing everything from 4.1. Sometimes, this makes sense; start clean and add things gradually, testing that it's stable. However, it now takes hours of work to re-add all the addons. It's now more likely that I'll break something that I re-add than something breaking during the automatic settings transfer. 

Well, there's a quick fix:

1. Close the new version of Blender.
2. From Explorer, go into the application settings (for me, it's C:\Users\mark\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender).
3. Rename that new version folder. For example, /4.2/ -> /xxx4.2/.
4. Restart Blender. It won't detect the renamed directory and will bring up the options splash panel again.

Importing from 4.1 took several minutes because it contains 88GB of data. Holy moley!

Blender 4.2

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