Friday, 8 November 2024

Thinking about a project

 I came up with the idea of building a collection of space ship parts to sell on Blender Market. I started sketching out ideas in a shiny-new dead tree sketch pad.

One element that I'll need to manage is exporting Sanctus Library procedural materials as texture maps. That's because they won't instantiate on a customer's system unless they also are running with Sanctus Library.

Where do you start? In the Sanctus Library Bakery, of course!

Instantiate PBR

This is really easy to understand and use. In the Sanctus Library panel in the Shader context is an option to select maps to bake. Once you've selected the render resolution and which channels to bake, you click "Bake" and the material maps are saved into the scene. You can then automatically apply them using the "Instantiate B P R setup".

So, great. I can easily export material maps. However, this might not be plausible/practical for large models as these maps take up a lot more VRAM than I expected. Such is the nature of high resolution PBR, I guess. Maybe I'll bake them smaller and compress the files next time.

That project

A pack of modular space ship parts for Blender

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Product complete and submitted

 I spent much of yesterday and all of today putting together my first Blender product. It's done! Now, I have to wait for the review to ...