Tuesday, 26 November 2024

A long chat with True-VFX's founder

 I identified a bug with True-Terrain relating to how geometry changes don't update in the viewport. Richard, True-VFX's founder, interested in my reporting offered to jump on a call through their Discord to talk through it. The issue is a side-effect of the node-baking process that keeps things performant. I'd triggered the freeze of terrain modifications earlier in the geo-node stack, which was causing things to not update until I entered the Shader stack.

There's a quick fix - actively manage the freezing process.

Option on the True-Terrain 5 Add-on Configuration panel

I'd not noticed this recent UI addition: Freeze, then thaw.

It was great to get a brief  "insider's view" of the incredible effort that's gone into developing True-Terrain, it really is one of the Seven Wonders of the Blender world.

Now that True-Terrain 5 has reached the full release milestone, I will commit to at least twenty tips that I'll publish here and in the True-VFX Discord.

True-Terrain Tip #1  Quickly grasp your scene's scale

The first thing I do when I set up a terrain is to place down a mannequin object. Initially, I'd use the 3D cursor to place a default cube. I then built a low-poly mannequin because it gave me an instant fix on the scale. You don't need to keep it for your finished scene; it can help visualise how scatter systems will work. There's something about putting a human form in a scene that makes me think more clearly about composition and field of view.

These ladies helped me quickly determine whether a dense grass scatter would result in a hang.

Cool, but how big is it? Put a reference in!

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