Tuesday, 30 April 2024


 I've spent a few days feeling poorly. My digestive system shut down, resulting in noxious emissions from my mouth. Not pleasant! Low energy and brain fog held me for a couple of days. This morning, I'm tired but not feeling unwell. Hurrah!

Yesterday, I got my HbH1C blood test. I hope the results indicate that my haemoglobin is no longer sugar-coated. It's not likely that I'd recover into the prediabetic stage so quickly, not in just three months, but I still have hopes for that eventually.

Blender activity has been a bit slack, understandably. I've been dabbling, but I've not been able to maintain a focus on a worthwhile project.

A dry place -TT5 and True-Sky

Two terrains, ready for some scatter action

Scatters and TT4 water added!

Space Foil test 

It's almost May Day, which, along with a worldwide celebration for various forms of socialism and positive social programs, is also a Traveller science fiction roleplaying game celebration day. Last year, I cooked up a quick scene. I'll do one this year. Watch. This. Spaaace!

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Product complete and submitted

 I spent much of yesterday and all of today putting together my first Blender product. It's done! Now, I have to wait for the review to ...