Thursday, 28 March 2024

Blender 4.1


The release of a new version of Blender is always a cause for celebration. Although 4.1's changes are mostly quality-of-life or refinements to systems that I don't depend on -- animation, for example, it's all great. 

I was worried that there was a performance hit from testing the beta and in the first few hours with 4.1. I'm not so sure now. 

Running 4.1 through its paces, it seems okay—good, in fact. I'll push harder with the next set of tests, maybe a big terrain scene. I've not been feeling well for a few days, causing my output to slacken. There's not much chance I'll complete challenge-related projects. Here's a quick test scene.

On the system front, I've not shut my system down in four days out of fear that it won't restart, as it did last weekend. However, it just struck me that on Tuesday morning the system had automatically rebooted successfully after a Windows update. So maybe I can start to calm down. Maybe not...

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Product complete and submitted

 I spent much of yesterday and all of today putting together my first Blender product. It's done! Now, I have to wait for the review to ...