Monday, 17 April 2023

Gap week

Where's the Blender output?
I decided to give Cyberpunk 2077 a third play through, since the release of a new update that enables more realistic raytracing. It's great - although I'm not overtly aware of the graphical improvements. Cyberpunk 2077 is an odd fish, it often looks absolutely stunning, especially in the realisation of its futuristic city environment. However, it also looks like the technical challenges of a game world that has a lot of verticality and complexity result in some crushing but necessary optimisation. There's a somewhat blurry and dream-like quality to running through those mean streets.

I'm loving the game. The only bug I've experience is a regular crash to desktop while trying to use the fast-travel system. Annoying but nothing breaking, and to be expected given that this recent upgrade is actually a massive change in terms of technology.

Any Blender?

Well I got another bluescreen. Trying to render a huge World Creator output. I need to really par back and keep landscape work more limited.

Also some practice play

A Fluent-based gadget takes shape

Playing with UV and noise. Early stages!

A very quick test of a composite landscape. Isn't really working.

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Product complete and submitted

 I spent much of yesterday and all of today putting together my first Blender product. It's done! Now, I have to wait for the review to ...