Sunday, 12 January 2025

Lander: Even endier game: The final chapter

 Sarcasm aside, completing the lander model flew past me at high speed and is currently circling the landing strip and showing no indication that it intends to actually land.

Why? Standards, that's why. My standards levelled up about a year ahead of my actual skill level. So now I'm scrambling to fix the fixes that were originally fixes. This is good, though. This is me finally getting better because I'm making better judgements on what's good enough. When I'm back in a paid job, this will really slow me down. So, after getting better, I'll also need to get faster.

Not happy with the headlights.

Better headlights

Captain Leo is now in command


Oh my god! DecalMachine, where have you been all my life? Answer: sitting on my storage drive waiting for me to test it, use it and fall in love with it.

What is DecalMachine?

The blurb says, "DECALmachine is a blender addon, which, through mesh Decals, allows for surface detailing in a very non-committal, non-destructive, UV-less way. As such it represents an alternative approach to hard surface texturing."

The big metallic pivots on the engine are not modelled, the're decals

The actual mesh. Note the wrapped plane from where the decal is projected.

Decals are incredible when used appropriately.

A quick test render

As I set up the duplicated Mantas, I realised that there were a lot of sloppy elements in play. Pivoting the engines and thrusters didn't work as it should. Some of the surface details looked sloppy. So, I stepped back from staging a scene to concentrate on a final modelling run.

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Lander: Even endier game: The final chapter

 Sarcasm aside, completing the lander model flew past me at high speed and is currently circling the landing strip and showing no indication...