Sunday, 12 January 2025

Lander: Even endier game: The final chapter

 Sarcasm aside, completing the lander model flew past me at high speed and is currently circling the landing strip and showing no indication that it intends to actually land.

Why? Standards, that's why. My standards levelled up about a year ahead of my actual skill level. So now I'm scrambling to fix the fixes that were originally fixes. This is good, though. This is me finally getting better because I'm making better judgements on what's good enough. When I'm back in a paid job, this will really slow me down. So, after getting better, I'll also need to get faster.

Not happy with the headlights.

Better headlights

Captain Leo is now in command


Oh my god! DecalMachine, where have you been all my life? Answer: sitting on my storage drive waiting for me to test it, use it and fall in love with it.

What is DecalMachine?

The blurb says, "DECALmachine is a blender addon, which, through mesh Decals, allows for surface detailing in a very non-committal, non-destructive, UV-less way. As such it represents an alternative approach to hard surface texturing."

The big metallic pivots on the engine are not modelled, the're decals

The actual mesh. Note the wrapped plane from where the decal is projected.

Decals are incredible when used appropriately.

A quick test render

As I set up the duplicated Mantas, I realised that there were a lot of sloppy elements in play. Pivoting the engines and thrusters didn't work as it should. Some of the surface details looked sloppy. So, I stepped back from staging a scene to concentrate on a final modelling run.

Friday, 10 January 2025

Lander: End Game

 Yesterday, I only spent a little time on the lander, but it was pretty fun. My boys came home from school as I turned my attention to the cockpit build. I don't plan to do a detailed study, but I wanted it to look convincing from afar. I thought it would be fun to have my sons at the controls, so I quickly scanned their heads using my phone and Polycam. Leo's scan didn't turn out, and he didn't have the patience to sit for another attempt, so I'll try another scan this afternoon.

Noah in the cockpit

Subtle in situ, but all the details matter (Wire quote!)

Good enough for now

Today is the hard deadline for modelling, and there's a lot to do. The cargo module needs to panel lines. I may try these as normal maps/displacement. I'd like to do a lot of small fine-line panel lines throughout the bodywork, but I worry about lousy topology and UV problems.

The underneath of the hull needs some machinery to show how the container module is locked to the hull. Grapples/cables/robot arms...some thinking and designing to do. Also, I want some ribbing and structure work to break up the hull's blank underside.

This morning, I considered doing a utility helicopter variant of the cargo container with personnel doors on each side, like a Huey. I initially thought that this kind of monster VTOL doesn't suit that kind of operation; if this thing took off while personnel were near its thrusters, they'd be blasted into the air by the thrust. Sometimes, you have to fight on the whimsy and unrealistic side of the fight. I haven't made up my mind yet.

Looking further down the road

Animation. I didn't build this thing for "stills", I want to see it land and take off. I want to see the cargo module dropped. I want to see a couple more Mantas fly past... Yeah, they got renamed as Mantas. Meet the Embrae Industries Heavy Transport Vtol (HTV) 71 Mantas.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

A quick break


Lens-Sim and True-Terrain-5

I made really good progress on the lander, so this morning, I created a little nature scene.


Some extensive rebuilding and mesh clean-up:

The engine pivots are now less stick-out after the engine root block was embedded within the engine using some boolean magic.

The command deck's viewing ports were rebuilt, and the cabin was carved out.

I'm toying with the idea of renaming the Embrae to Manta. A medium VTOL transporter

Quite a lot of surface details improved along with clean-up and consolidation.

It feels like we're on the last leg of a long tour. What remains to do:

  • The cargo container needs some work around the hull's edges. I may build a seam line.
  • Some hull details - complete the lamps. Add some more lights.
  • The access ramp (at the back) needs building out.
  • Final engine details,  some greebles around the thruster nozzle's root.                                                                                                                              

Then, some texture painting. Maybe I'll experiment with those cool normal-map decals.

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Lander critique


Critique time 

Taking a long break (until the following day) and returning to a project with a fresh eye is really important. There were a few things in this render that I'd missed entirely. This morning, I made a few notes before I start tackling the remaining issues. This has taken much longer than planned, which is now standard for my projects. When I started as a 3D hobbyist, I'd do quick and long projects. Quick projects were just sketches of a few minutes, while long projects could take up to three hours. Three hours! Imagine!! It was different back then. I had 16 MB of system memory and a graphics card with about 4MB. Even if you had very high standards, you would hit limits in terms of realism and detail, and to be clear, I didn't have high standards.

Today, the tools offer you near limitless artistic and photorealistic potential. It will be a question of how much time and effort you will put in and what you will accept before moving on to the next task. I think the answer comes from how patient you are and what standards you apply. I stopped doing 3D work for a long while when my standards had started to greatly exceed my skill level. Nothing I did was good enough. Looking back, it wasn't a question of skill but more about patience and care. I'm now less willing to let a bad element slide. I no longer hide bad elements in clutter. Obviously, this is all on a sliding scale. In a year, I'll have standards should be even higher, and things that I find acceptable today will not be tomorrow. Hopefully!

I really need to finish this because I have two competition submissions waiting in the wings. I will probably use the lander in one of them.

Dreams of a new system

Yesterday, NVidia announced their 500-series GPUs. My RTX 4090 is no longer king of the crop. The RTX 5090 takes that crown. I hoped to order a new system yesterday, but the release has been handled differently. It looks like a sales embargo lifts on the last day of the month, so this question will be kicked into February. I'm less confident that my chosen supplier,, will provide 5090 systems. We'll see in a few weeks. It will be a great relief to escape the technical problems of my current system. A replacement system will let me send this machine off for servicing...

Science fiction landscape test number 499! <sarcasm>

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Lander progress #3

 I started trying to improve the existing engines. After a fair effort, I gave up and rebuilt them from scratch while maintaining the landing gear root so that the existing gears would fit.

New approach to the engines

Landed and airborne

I spent too long on this and am no longer improving the quality. Time to down tools for a bit.
What next? There are some engine elements that I may change. A bit of tidying up. Some more fine details work. Materials!

Monday, 6 January 2025

Lander progress #2

 Things managed to progress with the lander. I started working on the cargo module. I made a complete mess of it but had the presence to throw it away and start again. Much better results.

Cargo container. Just meh!

I recognised that the work was poor and just restarted.

Progress slows down

I added the rear engines. I intended for them to pivot for greater stability in VTOL, but we'll see. I like the simplicity of this arrangement. Next, I'm reworking the side-mounted engines, although it may be minor tweaks rather than starting them from scratch.

Nvidia to announce their 50-series GPUs. I have hope that the 5090 will not be stupidly more expensive than the 4090 as I think I may get one in the next system. 

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Holiday's end

 The boys are returning to school, and I had to return to job-seeking. Let's see what 2025 brings...

Lander progress

Terrain play

In True-Terrain 5, I implemented an idea that I had about a year ago: a material pack that is based in block colours to block out a terrain.

Colour palette pack

Colour palette with a couple of PBR materials

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Lander progress and ever more terrains (pre-scatter)

Dark confession: I made it through the Steam Holiday sale, only to falter in its last ten minutes -- weird feeling hovering around a buy button with a sale countdown ticking. I picked up Space Marine 2, and it is a thing of wonder. Super attention to detail, shiny and polished both in terms of its alien worlds and environments and gameplay mechanics. I'm told that it's short in terms of single-player content, but it took about fifteen minutes for the game to enter my all-time classics list. So, productivity will be somewhat reduced, with a chance of Tyrannid bloodbaths.

Praise the emperor! Praise the developer and studio more!

Lander progress

I've followed that well-trodden route up the mountain: Heady optimism in the foothills -- I will share this modelling wonder with the world!! Then, the compromises and the downright shoddy build elements start to accumulate. Ugh, this is shameful! Nobody must ever see the Uckd up topology and mesh errors!

Well, there's a parallel journey, one in terms of actual design quality. If the model's design is okay, I just ignore the bad workmanship and carry on. If the model isn't very good, this is when I walk away.

I'm not walking away from the lander. I like the overall design. When something I didn't like crept in, I backtracked and fixed the issue. That's helped a lot.

It is exactly a year since I took the Blender Bros hard surface modelling courses, which kicked my modelling into mountain climbing after a decade of hill walking. Still, how much of that learning has been forgotten?

I will resolve to complete my HardOps training. I gave up on it when I got frequent crashes doing simple stuff. I must give it another go.

I must also complete the training courses I got a few weeks ago. I might pause the sculpting course because it's just not critical to what I need to know right now. Maybe I'll move on to the polygon modelling.

After countless hours, I only now see what it looks like with engines folded for flight...

Time to get the landing legs completed. I like the idea of two fold-out feet on the engine. 

Terrains -- of course

Naked terrain, two material layers

After a few scatters, I had a plan in mind. I'll carry on with this later.

Space challenge

I just recalled accepting a space scene challenge -- a private one, from Berglmir. I'm going to focus on that for now, which slowly working my way to completion on the lander.

Friday, 3 January 2025


 The lander is currently waiting for my Blender powers to return. I made about four different changes to the forward hull, and none of them were right. So, in the meantime, I built a simple shipping container. In my head, I can see a competition entry where a bunch of containers have been arranged into a snow fortress...were it a month ago, they would have been decorated in Christmas lights, too.

We'll see where that goes.

Shipping containers

8km terrain close-up

8km terrain with lovely True-Sky 5 

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Hello 2025!

 Well, here we are. It's happened! The calendars ran out, and we were all forced to adopt a new increment. Will this one be better than the last one? Probably not, but we can always hope. 

I started this new solar revolution with some science fiction modelling, along with the environmental/True-Terrain 5 riffing.

Messing about with terrain stamps

Snow test1

Snow test 2
On the True-VFX Discord, Berglmir has set another community competition. It's a snow scene. I don't think I've done more than a few snow scenes, so this will be a good learning experience -- hence the snow tests, which use Quixel materials, which are no longer available from Quixel Bridge, starting yesterday. I did spend some time downloading a few more models and textures, but far from all of them.

Science Fiction Modelling

I thought it was time to do a model vehicle. If it comes out okay, I'll sell it or give it away via a modelling library site or Blender Market.

First concept - created last week

I did some sketching while visiting my father-in-law. 

Once home, I fired-up Blender and started to recreate the idea...

Looks okay but not chunky enough

Too chunky, it turns out. So, I stretched the model (front one) with a quick Y-axis rescale. Naughty!

Hold up! I am still blocking out, but here are the smaller details. I can't help myself!

Reflection point: Hmm, it scrapes through. I like the overall effect. Lots of things to sort out, though.

Lander: Even endier game: The final chapter

 Sarcasm aside, completing the lander model flew past me at high speed and is currently circling the landing strip and showing no indication...