Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Christmas Break

 I've been enjoying all the usual festive activities. Spending time with the family, spending too much time with food. Drinking! Watching some TV. Replaying Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. Still playing with Blender, mind you!

World Creator heightmap using True Terrain and True Sky

Noisy water. Would need about 4000 samples to calm those fireflies. Noise filtering tends to make scenes like this go all mushy.

Starting point. 

Tiny hand made terrain with some Bagapie assets.

Same as above.

I've been experiencing more instability. More crashing to desktop. I tried to do a simple 2-second animation of the above nature scene. The scene crashed the moment I set keyframes. Gah! I remember that getting a lot of crashes used to sap all my enthusiasm for 3D work. I'd go away for weeks or months. I think at this stage I've woken up to the fact that crashing just happens. You rework to avoid the problem, simply or reduce the memory overhead. 

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Product complete and submitted

 I spent much of yesterday and all of today putting together my first Blender product. It's done! Now, I have to wait for the review to ...