Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Forgotten Tools - Episode 1

 Months ago I bought the Blender add-on Rantools. (https://blendermarket.com/products/rantools)

This generous set of tools provides lots of clever scripting to handle odd-but-cool functions (instant lighting rigs!), as well as some geniune why-is-this-not-in-Blender-already tools --- advanced boolean cutting tools, called P-tools, here.

I completely forgot about it. Mostly because I didn't set time aside to learn the vast array of new things.

I'm going to blog my way through those tools that I feel that I need to start using.

Add a light setup:

Select a focus mesh. 
Select "L"

Scroll Wheel: Cycle through pre-set lighting rigs.
A: Change alignment
Hold CTRL + mouse: Change the light intensity
T: Track to object (Off by default)

Different lighting rigs:

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Product complete and submitted

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